Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Where can I buy a pot for a Bonsai tree?

I have just recently bought a bonsai tree from Bluewater but I need to get a bigger pot for it any ideas around the Essex are where I can get one?|||Have you tried a Thimble !!!!!!!|||B %26amp; Q|||I don't think you need a special pot, OK they are usually squarish in the shops but I would think any shape would do. It is what you put in them that counts.|||from a bonsai pot shop!!|||I used to do Bonsai, and am currently wanting to start again.

Try here for supplies: http://www.bonsai-tools.com/index.xhtml

Here for Containers: http://www.brusselsbonsai.com/bonsai-pot鈥?/a>


And a very interesting link that has loads of stuff if you look at all of the links, including glazed pots:


Finally I also like here: http://www.buybonsai.com/

Hope this helps.|||no clue|||It will probably be difficult to find bonsai pots in your area at stores. I would check a nursery (especially those that sell bonsai trees). Otherwise, I would look online at sites like www.bonsaimonk.com, www.buybonsai.com or any other online bonsai site. Be sure to choose the proper pot for your plant. Evergreen trees look best in unglazed pots that do not take attention away from the tree. The size and shape is also important. The pot's shape should go with the type and style of the tree. The width of the pot should be about the same as the spread of the branches. The Depth of the pot should match the trunk width, just above the end of the root flare.|||head straight to your local second hand and antique shops.use your imagination(perhaps an old ceramic dish or an old bedpan) your sure to find something really cool|||You don't need to buy a particular pot, you can use ordinary pot.|||garden center

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