Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Do I need to hibernate my boxwood bonsai in winter?

I got a small boxwood bush this summer and am planning to let it grow as a bonsai tree. Being entirely indoors though I am not sure if I should let it hibernate for the winter. I've noticed that suddenly the leaves have dried up and appear dead but are not falling off. I checked the bark underneath and it is still green. What should I do?|||A boxwood bonsai won't do well indoors. You really probably should find a protected spot outside for it to overwinter. I have some tropicals that I bring in over the winter (ficus and grape ivy), but I leave all my hardy bonsai (junipers, pines, wisteria) outside. Just don't let them freeze hard if you live an a real cold climate. All of them go outside over the summer. They do lots better then. I'll bring them in for display once in a while, but that's the only time they spend indoors.|||Like most bonsais, box shouldn't be kept indoors and will react unhappily to central heating. Yours needs a cool outdoor situation. It's evergreen, so if it's dropping leaves it's probably reacting to drought and over-heating indoors. If it were mine, I would put it outdoors - a cool greenhouse or balcony would do, or a sheltered spot in the garden if available, to help it acclimatise to the temperature difference now it's getting a bit cold (UK.) It won't 'hibernate' but growth will stop until Spring, when you should see little bright green shoots all over it. You can prune these, but if it's outdoors don't do this until after all danger of frost in your area as frost will burn the newly-cut surfaces of the leaves.|||No you shouldn't when spring comes it wil regrow it's leaves don't worry

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