Saturday, November 19, 2011

How do i start to grow my own Bonsai tree?

i bought a "Grow Your Own Bonsai Tree" and in the box i got 2 packs of seeds, a few pots and sum compost.

i read the instructions but it says to put the seeds in the compost, water it then put it in a plastic bag for 6 weeks. then put it in the fridge for another 6 weeks.

Is this the actual thing i should do?

Im growing it indoors.|||Yes, I think so. The process is to imitate winter, so that when it comes out of the fridge it will grow as if spring has arrived. Just follow the instructions, since they are bound to have tried and tested them before printing them.|||This sounds a bit strange to put a sprouting seed in the fridge! Are you sure you have got the instructions in the right order? To be honest the best way is to find a newly sprouted sapling about 5 or 6 inches high in the wild (be sure it is not in a protected area). Dig it up and trim its roots to about 2 inches. Pot it up in a John Innes peat free compost and in a shallow pot (no more than a couple of inches deep). As it grows prune the branches gently and realise that it will take several years to mature. Resist the tempatation to repot into a larger container as this will lead to it growing larger which is obviously what you want to avoid.|||Good luck, hope you have years and years of patience. You'll get a Seedling NOT a perfectly manicured Bonsai.

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