Saturday, November 19, 2011

How do you start a hobby with Bonsai?

I've been looking into Bonsai, and wanted to see if anyone could help me out with what i need to know|||There is many routes to take in starting Bonsai'ing.

You can buy an established tree from a reputable dealer.

You can get a tree or bush from a nursery and establish it yourself.

You can find a seedling in your or your friends or neighbor's yards to start training.

You can start one from a cutting (Though that takes the longest and varying degree of success)

Or you can start one from seed.

What ever way you go you need the knowledge to back it up. Go to and look up and study the info there.

Then get pots to put the tree(s) in, tools to work them with (you don't need expensive stuff either), wire for both training and anchoring, Soil mix (pre-made from nursery or make some yourself from the formula's on BonsaiSite forum. Plant food, Pesticide, fungicide.

Good luck.

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