Tuesday, November 22, 2011

What is the growing season for Bonsai?

I just bought to bonsai and I want to grow them, I need lots of information on how to simply. I have a japanese maple and a holly. One thing I can't find out is when its the 'growing season', is that just spring? Also when is a dormant period?|||Japanese maple is an "outdoor" tree depending on where you live, and MOST hollies are also "outdoor" trees, however there are only a few that are "indoor." If you would send a photo to me at:

wchoat@american-bonsai.com , I'll try to identify your holly. I also need to know the city in which you live. You are right about planting them in the ground to make the trunks thicker. I have care instructions for both, but they are too lengthy for here. I can send those to you in regular email. Also, you may want to look at the Bonsai Care page on my website:

http://www.american-bonsai.com . Dormancy period is the fall and winter months.|||Are you keeping the bonsai inside or outside? The maple should be dormant in winter. The holly grows year round. The maple would grow from spring through autumn.|||I only know a bit about them. Some trees that are Bonsai material are of hardish wood. May be in families for many generations.

This is not something to do without the training in a masters class for long sessions of hands on lessons. There are also Videos on the subject too but I don't have a set yet.

Have you asked Google about the seasons of these Bonsai trees?

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